
Employer Profile

Unlimited job posts


Create your employer profile and showcase all your jobs for the season!

Employer Profile

Unlimited Jobs

Recurring Subscription

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$360.00 / yearSelect Plan

3 Months

Unlimited job posts


* billed up front for full term

$150.00 every 3 monthsSelect Plan

6 Months

Unlimited job posts


* billed up front for full term

$240.00 every 6 monthsSelect Plan

What’s Included?

More Features Coming Soon!

Employer Profile

Market your company, employee experience, and the lifestyle surrounding your business with an aesthetic employer profile including photos, videos, and location details.

Unlimited Job Postings

For one flat fee, advertise unlimited job openings to a specialized community of highly motivated job seekers. Hire your full staff for an entire season or create a contact list of applicants for the future.

Hiring Management Tool

By allowing job seekers to apply directly through the platform, employers can manage applications, easily communicate with job seekers, and customize application questions. Similar to the employer profile, applicants create profiles for themselves which are viewable by employers. Applicants can also be directed to an external application link.

Social / Marketing

Job seekers “follow” employer profiles to stay updated and connected on the latest openings.

Showing all 2 results
