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ParkLife Summer Team Member

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Olympia, Washington Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona Yosemite National Park, California Death Valley National Park, California Teton Village, Wyoming Estes Park, Colorado Zion National Park, Utah Denali Park, Alaska Bryce Canyon City, Utah Glacier National Park, Montana Gatlinburg, Tennessee Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota Jackson Hole, Wyoming Acadia, Maine

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Summer, Winter

Seasons For Hire


Payment Schedule


Employee Housing


Job Type

18 Years Old

Minimum Age

No Experience

Minimum Experience

Job Description

ACMNP's ParkLife Ministry Program combines your love for the outdoors and a desire to grow as a Christian leader by ministering to those who live in and visit America's national parks.

While working a full-time job in a national park (which we help you secure), you have several months to explore, hike, kayak or climb with people you also live and work with. ParkLife differentiates from just any national park job by equipping leaders and supporting them as they focus on relational ministry and lead interdenominational worship services every week in America's most incredible landscapes.

Pay can vary depending on the state and park the team member is working in, pay typically ranges between $10-15 per hour. We estimate that the average team member ends the summer season with $2500-3500 in their pocket and winter seasons with $5000-7000.

Spend your season working and serving in a national park while earning an income, making life-lasting friendships, growing as a leader, and providing worship opportunities for remote national park communities.

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